3 Signs Your Asphalt Driveway Is In Need Of Sealing
Asphalt driveways make use of a seal coat in order to protect the underlying surface from damage over the years. Unfortunately, this seal coat does not last forever. In order to ensure your driveway remains protected, you will need to have your asphalt resealed from time to time. The problem is there is no set amount of time that a seal coat will last. In fact, there are many variables that can impact how long the seal will last before needing to be replaced. That is why it is so important for homeowners to be aware of what signs to look for when determining whether or not their asphalt driveway needs to be sealed. You can learn more about these warning signs below.
#1: Your Driveway Has Developed Alligator Cracks
Cracks in your asphalt driveway can be quite common and are relatively easy to repair on a do-it-yourself basis. In most cases, these cracks will not be a cause for concern or indicate the need for seal coating. However, there is one specific type of cracking that you should be on the lookout for. This type of cracking is often referred to as alligator cracks. This type of cracking occurs when the seal coat on your driveway wears thin and will resemble alligator or reptile skin.
#2: Your Asphalt Is No Longer A Deep Black Color
One of the things that many homeowners love about asphalt driveways is their deep black color that truly gives them a sleek appearance. Unfortunately, this deep black color will often begin to fade into an ash gray if the driveway is not properly sealed. If you notice the color of your asphalt driveway beginning to fade, you can be sure that your asphalt is in need of a fresh seal coat.
#3: There Are Dark Stains On Your Driveway
One important function of your driveway's seal is to prevent liquids from soaking into your asphalt. If your seal has worn thin, you could find that your driveway begins developing dark stains as the result of exposure to water or vehicle fluids. In many cases, it will be impossible to scrub these stains away since the liquid has been allowed to seep into the asphalt. The only way to correct this issue and prevent future damage is to apply a new seal to your driveway.
Bonus Tip
While there are many variables that affect when a driveway needs to be resealed, the homes surrounding yours will be exposed to most or all of the same elements as your home. Consequently, if you notice that several of your neighbors have been getting their driveway resealed recently, there is a good chance that your driveway needs to be resealed as well.
To learn more about asphalt sealing, contact a company like Azzarelli Paving & Site Development.